Monday, June 27, 2005

Why Is Most Christian T.V. Just Awful?

I'm usually embarrased by Christian television. I don't have cable, and though my trusty antennae picks up quite well and brings in the Big 3 crystal clear, most of what I get on the "upper" stations is classified as Christian TV. I'm happy to admit that I watch as little as possible - enough to be disgusted. I guess I'm glad I became a Christian before I knew about most of these folks. I can only hope that the vast majority of non-Christians are NOT watching this stuff, and that real Christians will get involved in their lives first before they stumble across some of these hairdos.

So there, my Monday morning rant. I could say more, but none of it would be nice. Trying to remember what my mom taught me. Here's a list of shows that would be much more entertaining, enlightening, and worth my time...

13. "My Big Fat Obnoxious Pastor"
12. "Nursery Fear Factor"
11. "Punked: Sitting in Gertrude's pew spot"
10. "The Simple Life with Davie and Goliath"
9. "Survivor: Little House on the Prairie"
8. "Pontiff for a Day"
7. "Gaithers: Extreme Makeover"
6. "CSI: Potluck"
5. "Pretty Much 'Left Behind': Still Not Sure Who's Going Where"
4. "Extreme Baptisms"
3. "COPS at VBS"
2. "Paul vs. Predator"
1. "8 Simple Rules for Dating my Theology"

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